Remaining Titles of Madonna Children’s Series Revealed
The Croatian Newspaper Vecernji List also reveals the names of the other 4 books in the Madonna children’s tales series.
Translated from Croatian, they are called “Mr Peabody’s Apples” “Abdey’s Adventures” “Lopsa de Casha” & “Jakov and the 7 Thieves” and will be published between Christmas and Spring 2004. The storiers are respectively set in the UK, the US, Tibet, Russia and the Middle East.
Il giornale Croato Vecernji List rivela i titoli degli altri 4 libri di Madonna.
“Mr Peabody’s Apples (Le mele del signor Peabody)” “Abdey’s Adventures(Le avventure di Abdey)” “Lopsa de Casha” & “Jakov and the 7 Thieves(Jakov e i 7 Ladroni)” usciranno in un periodo di tempo che va da Natale 2003 alla primavera 2004. Le storie si svolgono rispettivamene in Uk, Usa, Russia, Tiber e Medio Oriente.
Translation from Croatian by MadelaineAshton/Mp Tristannn