April very likely to be RIT dvd release month everywhere
On December 10th MadonnaTribe exclusively announced, thanks to our community member David33, that April 5th was the scheduled date for the re-Invention dvd in France. A few days ago our team member Silly Thing broke the news that Warner Portugal are planning an April 4th release for the this title, hinting that a general release in multiple countries is quite likely on those two dates or the first week of April.
Today fellow fansite Madonnalicious confirms this theory by announcing that Madonna‘s music distrubuter in South Africa have stated an April 4th release date for the dvd, although they do add that this date is not yet confirmed.
Different dates from the same week might be explained by the fact that street day for new cds or dvd varies from country to country. In Uk, for example, new releases are out on Monday while Italy has new releases out on Friday.