Arnhem second show by Dj Cooky
Here’s another review from the second Arnhem show by our community member Dj Cooky.
Hey guys !
I just got back home from Arnhem. It’s been the 3rd time now, that I managed to see our Queen live (DWT Berlin 19.06.01 and the RTL TV show recording in Cologne 29.04.03).
“The Beast Withing” just left me breathless.
What an amazing show they put up on screen.
The crowd was pretty quiet (30.000 attending) as if listening closely to the words. Actually the whole sound system was so pure and with a heavy bass that really gets you rocking.
One word to everything that was shown on the screens; The mixture of imagery, the different creatures (The Magician, The Fool …) that all deserves a Grammy nomination. As everybody knows the tracklist by heart I will not enlist every single song and comment upon it.
What I noticed was that it really took some time to get the crowd dancing.
“Like A Prayer” was sort of the icebreaker and from then on everybody was with Madonna. I personally liked “Crazy For You” best; the song was simply so familiar, so intense and Madonna’s voice was at its clearest. It really made you feel as one big Madonna family and the whole hall was singing along.
Some people started crying, even one straight couple standing before me. How cute was that ?!
Madonna just makes the people come together and from “Lament” on I really needed to have my handkerchiefs at the ready.
“Music” simply rocked; DJ-stylee with the guy at the turntables within the stairs. How cool was that ?
All I can say is that I had such a great time and that the Dutch are so cool and friendly people. I really felt at home and I had some nice talks to people in and outside the venue. I am also looking forward to reading other fans’ reviews of the 2nd Arhem show.
You Dutch people rock !!!
greetz, COOKY”
Thanks to Dj Cooky for the review