Exclusive Madonna Tidbids from Greece
MadonnaTribe correspondent from Greece, Dimitris, is back with some exclusive Madonna tidbids.
Yesterday Greek actor George Voyiagis, who played “the captain” in Guy Ritchie’s Swept Away was interviewed on a Greek talk show. The journalist, of course, asked him about working with Madonna on Swept Away.
Voyiagis said Madonna is wonderful person to work with, very professional and “full of muscles”.
He also recalled a funny thing happened on the set. When introduced to Madonna, Voyiagis told her they already met in the eighties when she was married to Sean Penn. Madonna replied: “oh, the good old times!!!”
George also mentioned Guy Ritchie was into some sort of “Karate” in between takes and had so much fun playing with the crew members. One day Guy arrived on the set with a black eye. George asked Madonna what happened. She jokingly said: “I punched him in the eye because I was tired of seeing him fighting all the time“.
George Voyiagis is a very famous and respected actor in Greece. He has acted in many productions in Hollywood and in Europe.
Madonna and George Voyiagis in Swept Away
Special thanks to our team member Dimitris