Finding their religion
The Chicago Sun-Times features an article about the long line of stars who’ve found religion, and through it, personal transformation. This is what they write about Madonna, or should I say Esther?
“She began publicly espousing Kaballah in 1998 while promoting her “Ray of Light” album, a spiritual departure from her hypersexualized “Erotica” period.
Over the years, lots of folks have sought solace in Kaballah’s symbolism and teachings – Sandra Bernhard, Britney Spears, Roseanne Barr, Courtney Love, Demi Moore.
The roster, which includes several dabblers and poseurs, is long and luminous. Today, Kaballah, commonly characterized as “Jewish mysticism” and said to have originated in the second century, is bigger than ever, particularly in Hollywood. In the case of Madonna (who recently took the religious name “Esther”), it has given her previously tumultuous, take-no-prisoners existence a sense of calmness and equilibrium.
“I brought a lot of chaos to people’s lives, because of my selfish behavior,” she admitted in an interview on ABC’s PrimeTime Live.
“I pray every day, and I believe that it is a very powerful way to communicate, to heal, to affect change.”
From an article by Mike Thomas, Chicago Sun-Times