I wanna kiss you in Paris, I wanna hold your hand in Rome
Two exciting Madonna Nights are taking place tonight in Paris and Rome.
We talked about the Madonna: A Celebration in Rome event that takes place tonight at the Lost ‘n’ Found club in Rome, but if you are from France and are looking for something a little bit closer here’s another chance to dance to Madonna all night long.
Tonight, December 3, the new management of Club 18 in Paris is hosting a special Madonna night starting from midnight.
Madonna: A Celebration In Rome
Lost ‘n’ Found, Via dei Sabelli 2 Roma
Tel. 064957010 – www.lostnfound.it
Soirée Madonna
Clib 18 Palais Royal, 18 rue de Beaujolais 7500 Paris
Tel. 0142975213 – www.club18.fr
Thanks to valentina, [Ma’], Corinne & Maurice