Madonna Taking Rifle Lessons From Scv’s Dekko
Current Santa Clara Vanguard tour director and former color guard staff member Allan Dekko is moonlighting with Madonna this spring, teaching the Material Girl and some of her dancers how to spin rifle for their upcoming world tour.
Dekko is currently working with Madonna and her dancers in Los Angeles teaching them the finer points of spinning as well as choreographing sections of the production they wish to use the rifles in.
Dekko has been teaching color guards since 1980. He?s taught numerous high school and winter guards, as well as the Santa Clara Vanguard from 2000 to 2002.
Thanks to our reader holyjota who ran across this story. For those of you who don’t know what color guard is: it’s a real cool performance art that involves dance (ballet, modern, etc.) and spinning rifles and flags and stuff.