Mi Abbandono a te IS Like A Flower
Here’s an article that we have just translated from Spanish that confirms Laura Pausini’s song is Madonna’s Like A Flower.
“The song Me Abandono a Ti/Mi Abbandono a Te was written by Madonna and Rick Nowels (originally titled “Like a Flower“), and was adapted to Italian and Spanish by Laura herself.
It’s a ballad that talks about Love and the needing two people have to belong to each other. It was recorded in Italian and in Spanish and in both versions the chorus remains in English”.
Laura Pausini thanks Madonna in the notes of the album’s booklet for giving her this song that is going to be the eleventh song of the album “Resta in Ascolto/Escucha Atento”
Source: Terra Entretenimiento
Translation by MadonnaTribe
Read the full news in Spanish following this