More from yesterday rehearsals
More details about yesterday’s rehearsals from MadonnaTribe‘s reporter from Los Angeles, Runawayboy
Los Angeles, May 24
At 10 am the Forum area was really quiet with only sound technicians starting to arrive. It turned out to be much more messy in the afternoon, security was very tight, preventing people to get inside and also hear anything from outside.
Madonna rehearsed the concert the first time at 2.00 PM, and the second time from 5.30 PM.
The Beast Within intro can be considered a proper song as it lasts almost 5 minutes, with images on the maxi screens capturing the audience’s attention while the stage itself is revealed in its entirety only at the end.
Vogue is so cool, with very powerful vocals and sung totally live.
The first four songs are set to be played one right after another, with really no stop between one and another, not only because there was not a real audience at the rehearsal, but because of the way the songs melt.
American Life starts with a noise of helicopters. It starts slow, acoustic, then becomes rock on the rap and the end is very extended with Madonna almost shouting the “Do I have to change my name” part.
Express Yourself musically is very similar to the Blond Ambition version while Burning up comes straight from the Virgin Tour.
Madonna rehearsed Material Girl.
Like a Prayer includes an impressive choir and probably closes one of the sections.
Madonna rehearsed the full concert without playing Imagine (1 hour and 50 minutes). She probably didn’t rehearse the cover not to spoil the surprise.
Crazy For You is slow and very beautiful.
Holiday has a very cool ending – the bad thing is that it actually ends the show and that’s always a bit of sad.