As Madonna Tribe reported a while back, Niki Haris won’t be on Madonna’s Re-INVENTION tour.
Madonna Tribe was very confident about the information that our friend Bill, webmaster of Niki’s website gave us few weeks ago, and now Niki herself confirms the news on her website.
She says:
“…OK, now for the information that everyone seems to want to know. I will not
be singing background this year. Time for change and change is GOOD!
To everyone who will miss me on that tour, come see me at my shows. To those
who are dismayed by this decision, remember things that aren’t changing are
dying! I celebrate life now and I am grateful for all things old and new.
My daughter, Jordan, turned 1 February 20th, 2004. And looking at her reminds
me everyday that life moves quickly?nothing is promised. Stay in the moment. Be
grateful for all things!
I know I have your continued support no matter what shows I am doing, but it?s
time for me to concentrate on my music and my child. Your support throughout
the years lets me know that my music is what you want to hear. I can always
sing background at another time, but now it?s time for me to place my
microphone on the front of the stage.
Once again, thank you to all of you who support me in my slow computer growth.
I?m sure my daughter will be building and programming computers before I have
this laptop mastered!
Keep the letters and emails coming. They are greatly appreciated!
Love you all and wish you all the best!”
To know more about Niki check
Thanks to our Canadian correspondent Toronto boy