Tour documentary and DVD: London, Paris and Lisbon
Here’s some exciting exclusive news about the re-invention tour documentary and dvd. MadonnaTribe’s close friends Sharon and Jamesy
had the chance to talk to the crew of the documentary today at wembley arena that gave out some more details about the releases from this tour.
They told them that the London and Paris shows are being filmed to be used in the documentary, more or less like for Truth or Dare. The release date of the film is at moment scheduled for August 2005.
The dvd release, as Madonna Tribe announced a while back, will be a “live in Lisbon” which according the documentary crew that spoke to our friends has a release date set for March 2005.
Please note that this are the schedules the documentary team is aware of at the moment as they told our friends, we thought it was a very interesting piece of news. Keep in mind things are subject to change.
Special thanks to Sharon and Jamesy