Tribers and Celebrities
During the ReInvention Tour many members of MadonnaTribe had the chance to meet celebrities, both people who work on the Madonna show and celebrities who were there to see the concert. Here’s our gallery of “Tribers meet Celebrities” with all the pics that have been sent to us so far.
Our community member La Cubanita met director Michael Moore at the New York show he attended.
Our member Reinvented TJ met Joan Osborne after the the June 20 show at Madison Square Garden, and she was happy to take a picture with him
Our reader Cristian sent us a picture of him with the musical director of the re-INVENTION tour
taken at the final New York show.
Cristian says:
“I was at Madision Sq. Garden about an hour and a half early. He was walking down in the floor section and I ran up to him, started talking to him, asked him for a pic, and he was incredibly kind and obliged.
I told him I saw the opening night in NYC for the show (I was talking to him on closing night for NYC), and he asked me what I thought of it. I told him that I truly felt this was a much better show then Drowned World. He agreed with me, and he said he enjoyed this tour a lot as well. Cool eh?
He’s also holding up his cell phone ’cause his girlfriend is on it, and he wanted to put her in the shot. He was very kind, sweet, and incredibly cute.
That’s all.
Our team member Dj Meistr sent us pictures from the official re-Invention after party he attended on Sunday at the
SoundBar Nightclub in Chicago where he had the chance to be photographed with the night’s special guest , Niki Harris.
Dj Meistr also met both Madonna’s current backing singers from the re-Invention Tour. Here he is with lovely Donna De Lory…
… and charming Siedah Garreth below.
Dj Meistr also met the popular Madiva, the Madonna illusionist seen on MTV & VH1, who is also a MadonnaTribe community member.
Our dear friends Jamie and Dana met Madonna’s long time friend and backing singer Donna De Lory at her instore appearance at Borders Books and Music in New York City.
Jamie told us that “she was absolutely amazing. She performed several songs from her new CD and various different songs from her past albums. She talked briefly about being on tour with Madonna…Donna is as sweet can be. She signed and posed for photographs.”
Jamie and Donna