Tribers go for Inspiration
“Madonna is a major influence on so many people including me.
Madonna has always been that person so many people could look up too.
To me she’s always been that older friend that had guided me.
So many people go through life alone and don’t have that.
Even at my lowest points when I felt things were bad, I could pop in a Cd by Madonna and feel better. At times when I was confused about things I asked to myself: What would Madonna do?
People always tell you anything is possible, you can do anything you set your mind too. Madonna is the living proof of that. One can only dream of having the drive that has steered Madonna her entire career.
I’ve always seen her career like it was a ride, kinda scary at times, but it looks fun as hell. Madonna has influenced me to get on my own rollercoaster and just enjoy it. Madonna has no road blocks, nothing stands in her way she plows right through them. Many people will sit there and criticize everything she does. I am a huge fan and sometimes I too have asked myself: What is she doing?
So I’ve learned that there are always going to be people telling you that you can’t, and there are always going to be obstacles in your way. All you have to do is knock them down. Thanks Madonna!”
For Inspiration – From Madonna Tribe visitor Kat
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