Jam! on Madonna’s Confessions
Madonna, Confessions on a Dance Floor, Nov. 15
Official blurb: “Twelve delicious tunes of pure, unapologetic dance music … the original Queen of Dance Music returns to where she began and kicks it up a few extra notches.”
Why we care: Are you kidding? We care deeply about every move Madonna makes. While she’s made some hideous missteps in the past – rapping, acting – and isn’t exactly the greatest singer on the planet, she at least has a sense of style and has, intermittently, produced some interesting music over the years. Being political was all well and good, but there is no crime in recording songs that have good beats you can dance to.
Details: All the grooves on the record were “dance-floor tested” instrumentally in some of Europe’s hottest clubs before they were cut and finished for the record.
From Jam! Showbiz