Seforra Depasta and Bota de Carats
And now please welcome “Seforra Depasta“, and “Bota de carats“, the Spanish and French edition of “Lotsa” published in North America by Scholastic en Espanol” and Callaway Editions/Littérature Jeunesse on June 7th, the covers of which we’re happy to show you for a first look.
“Seforra Depasta” was the first title of “Lotsa” MadonnaTribe brought to you at the beginning of May when we broke the news that the book’s title – that as you know is also the main character’s name- was going to be translated into international languages to re-create the same sort of pun of words that the original title has.
The book title is also different from the ones used in Spain and Catalunya, where “Lotsa” is called “Montonese de Millionese” and “Forte de capitale“. Click on the imga on the right for our gallery of Lotsa covers from around the world – and please be sure to add yours if missing!