Anticipating when SHE is only moments away
It’s hard to believe the new tour is almost upon us. The excitement and anticipation that has been building over the past months and in a matter of days it will be real. Although I shall not get to see it until August the reviews and experiences of fellow tribers will bring it to life from the start. I cant wait to see Sorry and Jump, my 2 favourite confessions tracks performed live for the first time. In my perfect world there will also be Let it Will Be and my all time Madonna favourite Like a Prayer however I am not here to complain about what may or may not be performed because I know Madonna will deliver a SUPERB show -she always does.
Nothing compares to that moment at a Madonna show when the lights go down and you know SHE is only moments away, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, all the months of anticipation are almost over , the stress of trying to get tickets is forgotten, all that matters is the next couple of hours and losing yourself in a heady mixture of music, dance, energy and love!