Special melodies…
Here are more entries for our exclusive One Song feature, in which you, the fans, choose their ONE favourite Madonna song of all times and explain the reason why.
• Madonna has lots of songs that ‘touch’ me inside, make me think about life, love, sex, family…
But my favorite has always been and will always be, for sure, Like a Prayer.
Everything in this song is just magical: the lyrics, her voice, the video, the performances… It touches me in a way that none has ever done it.
The video couldn’t be more perfect, all the performances are extremelly amazing: Blond Ambition, Re-Invention and Live 8.
I could stay here and write a giant letter but, I think you can just play the song and be quiet, only listening, understanding the real meaning of it, you’d understand what I fell everytime the song is played.
I dream to see a live performance of the song, let’s hope she includes it on the next tour. 🙂
Victor Passarelli, Brazil
• My favourite Madonna song, of all-time, would have to be “X-Static Process“. Ever since I heard that song for the first time, it has stuck with me throughout every bad times I’ve had. Two years ago, about a year after the American Life CD was released, I went through a mild depression. And I always say that the song that helped me though it all was “X-Static Process“.
The melody, as simple as it is, is enough to make me cry. The rawness of Madonna’s voice and of the melody is what makes this song so unique. It was a risqu? move on her part to put an “almost” (if it wasn’t for the organ) accoustic song on a heavy electronic CD, but I always thank her for putting that song on there.
Madonna has express that the song is about her dealing with finding her soulmate and how that relates to her upbringing in Catholism, how it relates with her relationship with Jesus Christ. For me, the song speaks so much more than that. It speaks about how hard life could be, and how hard it is to build your identity, when everybody around you have already achieved that and you feel left alone. But she says that whatever happens, you just have to remind yourself that you are worthy.
Thank you Madonna…
P.S. Looooooooove your website! Keep it up!!