Carlton Wilborn Front and Center
When the MadonnaTribe team had the chance to sit down for a chat with multifaceted artist Carlton Wilborn – who worked with Madonna in many legendary projects such as the Blond Ambition Tour, The Girlie Show and the Vogue music video – he told us he was giving the final touches to a book that he described as “the most important thing I will be doing in my career“.
“Front & Center – How I learned to live there” is indeed much more of a biography, and actually is much more than a book. It’s an engaging journey in the story of who we are, where we come from, but at the same time it is a book of poetry and visuals, a look behind-the-scenes at Carlton’s career, at times it will remind you of a non-fictional thriller novel, and is most of all a story of hope.
“Front & Center” by Carlton Wilborn is now out, and MadonnaTribe is happy to bring their readers the first look ever at this inspiring book, as well as to help Carlton to address the fans himself and let them know “how he learned to live there”. Click on the image below to get there.
“Front & Center – How I learned to live there“, by Carlton Wilborn, published by Treelife Publishing is available at
The book is also available at bookstores, on and on Barnes&