Confessions Tour Tidbits
Last year, while the Confessions Tour rehearsals were in full swing MadonnaTribe published exclusive updates on what was going on and which changes were being made to the rehearsed set list. Speaking of those updates, we were the first site to break the news two of the numbers in the set list, Deeper and Deeper and Everybody, were being respectively replaced with Erotica and La Isla Bonita.
Today, in our chat with choreographer RJ Durell, we get to know more about how the original Deeper And Deeper choreography was translated to Erotica.
“I was able to use some of the movement and concepts from my submission to Deeper and Deeper” RJ tells our readers. “I only choreographed about one minute of a routine for the submission so I had plenty of work to do in-order to realize Erotica. It was amazing to see how the pictures that were in my head for the Deeper and Deeper submission were easily translated to Erotica for the tour”.
To read more interesting tidbits about how the choreographies of Erotica, La Isla Bonita and Lucky Star were made, please read the full exclusive interview to RJ Durell by clicking HERE