Details about new HM store opening in Greece
More H&M news here at MadonnaTribe. The Swedish firm will be opening a new store in Athens Greece, next week, on the 29th of March.
The new shop will open with the M by Madonna collection and a series of events are planned, including a VIP event taking place on the night before, on Wednesday 28th of March.
The Syntagma Metro Station in Athens has been litterally covered with H&M/Madonna Posters and megaposters.
“This outdoor campaign has been out since last Saturday already and it’s the first time
that someone does this in Athens, so we are very proud of that”, a spokeperson from H&M tells us.
Some other classical posters are also being displayed in the center of Athens and radio commercials will be on different radio channels. The commercial will
air 5 days before the opening and for another 5 days after the opening.
Thanks to H&M
If some of our readers from Athens would be so kind to send us photos of HM posters in their city, we will be happy to post them.
Please send your photos to, thank you!