Happy Birthday MadonnaTribe
We take a little time to celebrate. On May 23 2003 we decided to open our very own site devoted to Madonna and her fans. We mainly tried to achieve two things; Putting together a sort of Madonna only CNN (this page) that would put positive news first and creating an online community with a forum, where Madonna fans could share in a positive way their admiration for the Queen Of Pop.
Now four years later, we’re happy we have achieved that idea we envisioned of a unique online place for anyone who is interested not only in Madonna‘s projects but also to the talented artists who have worked with her and showcasing the different talents of her fans. Apparently that unique mixture has proved so succesful that has been repeatedly cloned in time.
We are happy to have reported for the first time online a lot of news to fans, from the title of Madonna’s Hung Up or the final title of her 2004 documentary to name just a few Among other things it was funny when we break the news her manager Caresse Henry resigned as people believed we were joking as it was something coming out so of the blue.
We also hope you enjoy the series of exclusive interviews we did to artists who have in some way collaborated with Madonna in any era of her career.
We wish to be online with you for more years, hoping you will keep visiting our page and share with us the same fun we have while making the site.
Thank You
The MadonnaTribe Team