More M-inspiration in Ricky Martin’s tour
Following our report “From Ricky to Madonna to…Ricky” contributed by Dan and posted on this news page the other day, our reader EFBV, who saw the Ricky Martin concert in
Montreal last week, dropped us a line to share his thoughts and some amazing pictures he took.
“It’s a great concert full of energy and great songs” – our friend writes – “I also noticed a lot of similarities with the Confessions Tour. Three Madonna dancers (Jason, Mihran and Reshma, the girl who does the indian dance in
Hollywood from the RIT), the giand semi-circular screen (in fact I think Ricky took Madonna’s one) and a lot others.”
To make it even more clear, EFBV sent in some pictures that he took from the 6th row at the concert – he is really proud of those images and they are so good that everybody think they are professional photographs but instead it was our friend who shot them! Click to zoom.