More news from Madonna’s HM campaign
MadonnaTribe has received more informations about the H&M collaboration with Madonna
that we are happy to post for the first time online.
Regarding the launch of the line in H&M shops we have been informed that new shop in Hong Kong will
be getting the worldwide premiere. The campaign has started there on February 24 2007 and will last a month, with sales
starting on the 10th of March. Other countries will launch their campaigns with announcements in the March
editions of the fashion magazines that are published in the middle of February. The TV commercial and the outdoor campaign will be launched in the other
countries from March 8th.
Talking about the commercial, we have been told that the advertising campaign will be shown in all 28 H&M markets
in media such as TV, internet, billboards, daily press, weekly and monthly magazines and the stores.
Stay Tuned for more previews about H&M collaboration with Madonna.