Exclusive interview with Donna De Lory now online
MadonnaTribe‘s longtime friend, journalist Dean Piper, has had the chance to talk to Donna De Lory for an intimate interview when he visited
Donna’s hometown of Topanga Valley in California.
What follows are short bits from the interview, that you can read in full on Dean Piper’s site www.deanpiper.com, by clicking HERE.
I have to keep the touring with Madonna separate from my own recording career. It’s really just a very fun job. I’ve learnt so much from working with her – the power aspect about how to use what you have is an amazing thing. I learn more stuff about myself as I go along. Now I’m more of a chilled out person. When I first started working with her I just wanted to be like her – I think I misinterpreted a lot of things. The fame. I just tried to be like her and didn’t do things my own way. It was funny looking back on it. Now I’m about my music, my motherhood and I love having the freedom to do my own thing. I appreciate everything about working with Madonna – it’s been such an amazing opportunity.
She’s my boss, the boss. And I want it that way. I have my friends and buddies and yes we are friends, but she’s a boss too. It pleases me that I work with a conscious artist – I couldn’t work with anybody who wasn’t about that.
Thanks to Dean and we wish him good luck for his new website.