The Official Dutch Party
Thursday night, April 24th, Dutch fans will get the opportunity to buy the new Madonna album at the FAME Store in Amsterdam.
Fame together with Warner, MadonnaNed en MadonnaUnderground are organising a Madonna party to celebrate the release of her new CD!
Thursday evening April 24 sees the world premiere of the new Madonna album Hard Candy, the evening starts at 9.30pm and will begin with listening to the album and all attendees are the first in the world to buy the album at FAME. Every huge Madonna fan is welcome!
At 9.30pm the FAME will be transformed into Club Candy and will open its doors in honour of this special release.
Entrance to the world premiere is € 20. For this you will receive:
– Madonna’s new abum Hard Candy
– Free drinks and food
– Exclusive Madonna goodies
Would you rather prefer to buy the limited edition of Hard Candy? keep an eye on for the release date and possible changes to the entrance fee
The dress code to this evening is sweet & naughty, so give it all you can and empty your closet! The further planning for this evening will remain a secret for now, but it will be all Madonna all evening through.
If you’d like to attend send an email to You’ll receive a confirmation asap, so “don’t sit there”, “if you wait too long it’ll be too late“.
As a good amount of people are expected organization can only allow 1 friend per person, state this clear in your e-mail!
For all latest news on Madonna’s new album check out
Thanks to Kimmy, Hans and GertJan for informing MadonnaTribers