Wago70’s Sticky, Sweet and Bittersweet experience
All good things come to an end, and the November 2 concert in Oakland was the last Sticky & Sweet adventure for M-Tribe Community member Wago70. if you missed his report on the Tribe Forum check it out now, read what he had to say and have a look at the nice pics he shared.
“A few Madonna Banners in the Candy Shop preshow lounge and my final night seeing Madonna live.
It was a Sticky, Sweet and Bittersweet experience – all good things must end but our fandom and memories will keep them alive.”
“It’s been great, everyone. For those who have yet to see the show, make every second count. Meet other fans, take your little cameras, hear the music and what Madonna is saying.
If you’re new to a Madonna concert, welcome! If you’re wondering about the next tour, don’t second guess it – just go!
If you missed this one, may you see the next tour with the best experience possible.
Return to Madonnatribe even when Madonna is between projects! Love to you ALL! Thanks for more great memories.”