I Am Because We Are – The Trailer
As our readers remember “I Am Because We Are“, the film describing the journey that Madonna embarked on, exploring the lives of the children who have been orphaned by AIDS in Malawi, will be released on DVD in the United States on October 20. Here is the official trailer courtesy of Virgil Films.
In the documentary directed by Nathan Rissman Madonna leads us through many heart-wrenching stories that ultimately remind us how interconnected we are. We are introduced to a culture that at times will feel disturbing, but ultimately it will challenge us and call us to action. trying to find out as much as possible about the children of one of the poorest countries on the planet, our narrator goes in and out of giving her perspective of what she witnesses and also describes her own personal discoveries.
• You can now pre-order “I Am Because We Are” on DVD and Virgil Films will be happy to provide the MadonnaTribe visitors a 3 $ discount off the retail price when you enter the MT4IABWA code upon checkout at their shop – www.virgilfilmsent.com/store.