Reports: Madonna to visit Brazil next week
It has been reported by major Brazilian newspapers that Madonna will be in Brazil next week, from Nov 09th to Nov 14th.
She is reportedly going to land in Rio de Janeiro on Monday but she is expected to be travelling alone. She is going to meet with Brazilian entrepeneur Eike Baptista to discuss about his donations to her Raising Malawi fund. She will also meet with Rio de Janeiro’s Governor and Mayor to discuss social projects to happen in slums of this city and state.
According to reports Madonna will travel to São Paulo on Thursday to meet with first lady Marisa, wife of Brazilian President Lula da Silva, also to discuss social projects in slums of the whole country.
She may meet Jesus Luz during her stay as he’s expected to be landing in Brazil next week.
Madonna was granted a visa in the Brazilian council in New York yesterday. This is the 3rd time Madonna visits Brazil, the first time was in 1993 with her Girlie Show tour and also last year with her smash hit tour Sticky & Sweet. It was also during her 2008 stay that she met Jesus Luz during a photoshoot for W magazine in Rio de Janeiro.
Thanks to Mylo.