Fan’s favourite memorabilia – Part Six
MadonnaTribers have started to send in photos and stories about their most favourite Madonna memorabilia in their collections. Here are 3 more stories.
• In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, I worked in a famous photo studio in LA. I had heard that Madonna had been there for a photo shoot in the past so every week I hoped would be the week she would come in. 3 years after I started there, it finally happened. There on the schedule “Mondino/Maverick Records.” I remember walking into work past her huge black Mercedes sedan, butterflies in my stomach. She was there to shoot the album packaging for Music. She was 5 months pregnant with Rocco so definitely showing. Lourdes was a toddler and I befriended her Latino man-nanny who was really nice. I also got to know Caresse who was a pistol (she had a silver dick on her keyring!). At one point, Caresse asked me if I could escort Madonna to a different studio in the building for a quick photo session for a book project. So there I was, walking Madonna down the hallway, Lourdes holding her hand, Green Beret security off in the distance, there but not there, if you know what I mean. That experience was enough for me so when I asked Caresse if Madonna would sign my Ray of Light CD booklet, I wouldn’t have cared if she said No. She didn’t. Here it is. One of the most amazing and memorable days of my life!
Aron from NYC
• My favorite Madonna items would have to be my ticket stubs. I made a shadowbox with all of them from 1987 to 2008. Madonna shows are always great and I want to hold on to those memories forever. I also LOVE my Madonna mannequin, “Madonnaquin”. It’s not an official piece of memorabilia, but I love it just the same.
• My brother and I have both been huge Madonna fans since 1986. In 2006 we suffered a bad fire incident in our home, that started right from our room that also was our Madonna sanctuary. We really couldn’t save anything of the stuff we’ve been collecting for a lifetime.
Since then I re-bought every single piece and more. The item that I would save above all today is the Japanese Box set of 40 mini cd singles. I’ve been longing for this item for so much. I hope incidents like that wouldn’t happen to anyone’s collections.
Mario Tilocca from Italy
More Stories are coming up in the next few days. If you wish to send your photo and story of your favourite piece in your Madonna collection, to share it with Madonna Tribe, just use our usual email address: Please put “Madonna Memorabilia” in the title of your email.
We’re looking forward to see your favourite Madonna items!