With Madonna ”In the footsteps of Great Women”
M-Tribe friend Didier is just back from a business trip in Frankfurt, Germany, where he bought a book called: “Auf den Spuren Grosser Frauen” (In the footsteps of Great Women).
“It was a huge emotion when I have seen this book because our Goddess is on the main part of the cover with Fridha Kahlo when other major woman like Marilyn Monroe are “only” represented by more little pics.” Didier writes.
“This is not always the case and I think it represents a change of mentality and shows how Madonna is important in our culture, even if Marilyn is – of course – also huge.”
The 272 page book has been published by Kunth Wolfgang Verlag in July 2009 and you can find more about it by clicking the cover picture below.
Thanks to Didier.