Sophomore syndrome just tragic at 55
If the critics are so harsh, sexist, biased and predictable, you may guess that you nailed it. And Madonna and Steven Klein’s SecretProjectRevolution is certainly aimed at pushing people’s buttons and provoke – in the best way.
This is why you may find the review by Kyle Smith on the New York Post almost entertaining – if it wasn’t just serious. Anyway, when someone writes about Madonna things like “when gay men were dying of AIDS by the thousands and the nuclear clock was at 11:57, you were singing “La Isla Bonita”, you think it’s not even worth argueing – ignorance is not bliss.
Check out “Madonna’s secretprojectrevolution’ should stay hidden” on the New York Post, and add Kyle Smith to the list of people telling other people what they should do (or don’t).
Thanks to our Forum member Digitalfreaknyc.