You've seen him dancing with Madonna on
stage and in her amazing Don't Tell Me
video. Now Jull Weber - the handsome and
everyone's favourite dancer of the Drowned World Tour -
comes to MadonnaTribe to share his memories
and to give us a glimpse of his incredible career in show
MT: Hello
Jull, welcome to MadonnaTribe
Let's start talking about how it all began. Dance has a
big part in your family and your parents are two famous
coreographers and dance teachers. Did that make it easier
or harder for you to choose your own way to the showbusiness?
JW: Actually, although I grew up dancing, I was affected
by that natural rebellion that affects us all when we are
young. So, funny enough, I always told everyone, including
my parents, that I would never dance, I would never be like
them. This is why I ended up going to college for architecture.
But after graduating and working in a 9-5 job I realized
that was not for me, and that I missed showbusiness, so
I packed up my bags, and moved 3000 mi away, again, hoping
I had some luck. And here I am very grateful for my decision.
MT: What kind of music has
influenced your life, what have you been listening to when
you were not playing or rehearsing?
JW: Believe it or not, growing up at a
dance studio being forced to listen to music every single
day in class, I ended up never owning a stereo or CDs or
cassettes. However,
it is safe to say that all 80's and 90's music subconsciously
influenced my childhood development. Nowadays is a little
different, I do own a stereo and CDs and me being a hopeless
romantic I like good latin ballads. For example, I like
this latin group called Sin Banderas. Their voices are amazing;
I like to sit there and just relax.
Your first work with Madonna was the Don't Tell Me video.
Was it the first time you got to know her?
JW: Yes, after I decided
to move to Los Angeles, everything happened really fast.
I started taking classes, got an agent, and after three
months I auditioned for this video. Madonna was my first
showbusiness job in the US. So yes this video is the first
time I got to know her.
MT: What memories do you have from your
experience on the set?
JW: I remember that desert being really
cold, I was freezing. Also Jamie King, the choreographer,
being really tough and demanding.
But overall she was very nice, very professional, and
very efficient.
MT: There were two other great artists
involved in the creation of the video. One of them is
the video director, Jean Baptiste Mondino. How was it
working with such a talented artist?
JW: He is quite a character, like one
of those misunderstood artists. He knew exactly what he
wanted, and explained to us the symbolism behind the different
takes. I was very impressed.
The coreography of the video was created by Jamie King.
You have been working again with him many times since
then. How is it teaming up with Jamie?
JW: Jamie is great. He
is, like I said before, very demanding.
He likes everything to be done quick and precise.
He also has an amazing eye for error, so he can detect
anything that goes wrong. He very much deserves all the
success he's had.
MT: What part had Madonna in your life
until you worked on the Don't Tell Me video with her? Was
she the kind of artist you wanted to work with?
JW: Of course. She is the ultimate artist
to work for. Her shows in the past were so amazing, any
performers' dream.
MT: Did all your work with her through the years
change the opinion you have of hers? Did you get to know
her more personally or did it stopped as mainly a professional
JW: We got to know her personally on tour.
I noticed she's very motherly, and she loves taking care
of people. She's got a very good soul.
MT: The "Rock 'n' Roll Circus"
promotional tour was your first contact with the Madonna
fans and her live audience. What are your memories of that
JW: Oh wow, yes the fans are amazing. They
get so excited and exude so much energy, they truly make
my job so much easier.I love performing using the crowds
energy to guide me along.
MT: Then you hit the road again for Madonna's
Drowned World Tour. Can you tell our readers a bit of what
happened before, about the process of creating the show
and the tour rehearsals.
Did you happen to work on songs and coreographies that didn't
make the final cut?
JW: No, after auditioning for the DWT, we had exactly
3 months to finish the show. When we came in the whole show
was finished. They just had to teach it to us. Every week
we learned a new number. Very much like a well oiled machine.
Did you happen to see any of the older Madonna concerts
live, how would you compare the Drowned World Tour to
her previous ones?
JW: No I was a bit young to see her when
she came to Puerto Rico the concert before. I did see
the recording later. I loved her older shows.
MT: What's the most important thing you
bring with you from the Madonna tour experience as a professional
in the show business?
JW: I learned the business is very tough.
And that you have to work really hard, and
be very efficient in order to make it.
MT: When the 9/11 tragedy happened, you
were playing the LA gigs of the tour. It must have been
hard to perform again on the three final dates, and that
was definetly something deeper than a simple "the
show must go on" statement.
What do you remember of those moments, and how did the
show reflect those events that changed everybody forever?
JW: She turn it into a
commemorative event. She talked in all the concerts about
the tragedy that happened. We weren't just continuing
our tour, we were performing to celebrate joy and happiness,
especially in that time of difficulty.
MT: You also had a personal success in
the show and you're one of the dancers the fans did really
go crazy for.
How was that all from your own personal point of view?
JW: I thought it was amazing. I had never
encountered that before. It made me perform better every
MT: The tour visited many different countries.
Which are the fans who impressed you the most?
JW: Well, I love Italy. Actually one
of my summers in college I lived there for 3 months studying
art, history, and italian.
So me and Italy have previous history. But besides Italy,
I liked Paris, and I thought Berlin was very interesting:
a city full of emotional baggage, full of cranes, and in
the forefront of technology. It was a very unique experience.
MT: How was your life on the road? We understand
that in Madonna's tours everything is organized in a very
meticolous way. How was a typical working day, and a day
JW: Working days we came in around 2pm,
rehearsed, got ready, and did the show. Off days, I ventured
the cities, enjoying all the different museums and historical
MT: Do you have a fondest memory of that
tour? Or any funny story that happened behind the scenes?
JW: My fondest memory would be when she
celebrated my birthday, she spanked me 23 times, sang
me happy birthday, gave me some beautiful clothes, and
a delicious cake.
MT: Did you happen to see Madonna's Re-Invention
Tour live last year?
What do you think of the job she did with Jamie?
JW: I think Jamie is very talented. I
think he did a great job. He has a very good eye for stage
MT: As a professional dancer you practiced
several different disciplines from jazz to ballet, moderm,
hip hop and even martial arts and stunt fighting.
There were a lot of different coreographies in the Drowned
World Tour, what was your favourite number?
The most fun number was the martial arts number. I loved
all the fighting and kicking butt.
MT: You also studied architecture at the MIT. Was
it meant as a sort of a natural completion of your personal
training, a personal passion, or something different?
JW: I always loved houses and design. So
it was just natural for me to go into that. Although my
plans were to be an engineer, I think architecture was a
very good choice. I leaned from a wide range of disciplines,
from science and math to art and history.
MT: You've been training as a professional
actor and then you played Joey in "Honey", the
2003 movie directed by Bille Woodruff about young dancers
and their dreams. Do you feel more confortable on the live
stage or on the set?
JW: I love set as well. You get more chances
to get a scene right. On stage you only get one chance,
you either get it right or get it right.
MT: You danced in Kylie Minogue's
"Red Blooded Woman" video. How is it working
with Kylie?
JW: She's another wonderful artist. Very
nice and friendly.
MT: Last year fans were wondering if
the "mohawk" from the Drowned World Tour was
going to be part of Madonna's Re-Invention Tour but unfortunately
you were busy touring with Paulina Rubio at the time.
Paulina is a major latin act and for her tour she teamed
up with two familiar faces, Dago González and again
Jamie King.
How was the tour and what was your experience working
with them all?
JW: Well, it's amazing because I've gotten
to travel all over South America, and experience new places.
Actually, I'm still touring with her, so I get to have
a bit more fun still.
You also worked with director Dago González in three
music videos for artists such as Soraya, Ednita Nazario
and Storm. Dago is extremely talented and created some amazing
videos for Madonna's tours, what's your best memory of your
work with him?
JW: For Storm I had to dance underneath a shower
of freezing water. That was very difficult but incredibly
fun at the same time. Dago is very talented.
MT: In Paulina's tour you also had the role of
Dance Captain. Was that your first time? This should bring
more responsability but also more excitiment. What was the
importance of this step in your own career?
JW: It's great, Paulina chose me to be
the link between them and our group. I get to make sure
all the dances are well polished before every show. It is
a lot of fun.
MT: Let's imagine Jull in a few years
from now. How would you like to see your career evolve?
For many dancers shifting from being on stage to make
coreographies and to direct was a sort of natural evolution,
is that a process you'd like to be involved in too?
JW: Well I also act, and I love acting.
So add into the formula Jull on screen doing some very
interesting roles.
MT: What are you currently working on,
and what your fans should expect from you soon?
JW: I'm actually still traveling all
over with Paulina Rubio. I think our last stop is going
to be Puerto Rico (home) at the end of May 2005.
MT: In your personal life, training and
career you happened to be involved in some mainstream
projects and in some others more tied to the latin culture.
Sometimes dealing with the latins there are some misunderstanding
and also the feeling that - no matter how great the artist
can be - they are going to be to be considered part of
a minor, regional culture.
The latin culture has great roots and lots of energy and
talents to share with the world.
What are your feelings about that?
JW: Well I have a different perspective.
I'm latin and I grew up with this vibrant culture. So,
sincerely, in my mind I never thought of the latin culture
being small or merely regional. I've always though of
it as huge, encompassing many countries. I guess it's
a different experience when you grow up in it.
MT: Thanks a lot Jull for sharing your time with
Madonnatribe and its readers. It was great to see you
on stage with Madonna and we hope this interview will
help our readers to know a little more. All the best!
JW: Thank you!